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Joylene Neddermeyer

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In memory of Joylene Neddermeyer


It is with much sadness and shock that we advise of the the unexpected passing of Joylene Neddermeyer.
Joylene suffered a brain aneurism and was admitted to hospital on Sunday evening. She peacefully passed away on Monday 30 July 2018.
In lieu of flowers and on behalf her son Martin Neddermeyer we ask that you donate to the NeuroSurgical Research Foundation (NRF) in her memory.
She will be missed by her family, friends and the German Shepherd fraternity which she has been an iconic and sincere member of for many years.
Her funeral will be conducted on Wednesday 8th August 2018 at 12.30 pm in the Heysen Chapel at Centennial Park, 760 Goodwood Road, Pasadena SA.
Rest in Peace Joylene.

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NeuroSurgical Research Foundation

NeuroSurgical Research Foundation funding world class medical research into disease and injury of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Nervous System.
Looking for cures, improving treatments and saving children’s and adults lives, in neurosurgical diseases and injury in the brain and spine.
[Brain Tumours – how cancer invades the brain] [Parkinson’s Disease – slowing down Parkinson’s Disease] [Stroke – brain haemorrhage – aneurysms - looking for surgical cures] [Spinal Cord Injury – as a result of sporting or car accidents]
[Traumatic Brain Injury – how to stop life threatening brain swelling.]

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